Con Tips

June 22, 2017

This is for those of you attending San Diego Comic Con, one of the busiest and most crowded conventions. Since I have written at length about this, I will keep this brief and sort of as an "addendum." Mainly I just wanted to share some tips. 

1) Wear deodorant and sunblock. Especially if you are a person who tends to experience a lot of body odor, carry a travel sized deodorant and travel sized/sample size body spray or scented lotion. I recommend the sunblock because it's SD in July. If you are going to a different convention where there is no sun, then I suppose this part doesn't apply to you, but please consider deodorant!

2) Carry a water bottle with you! Staying hydrated during the summer, especially if you are going to be standing in long queues, is just SUPER important! Always have at least one bottle water with you. Always. You don't want to pass out on your fellow nerds!

This Lego Drizzt but his eyes are the wrong color, they should be lavender, not red. And those are not scimitars, so I guess it's just a regular drow.

3) Eat breakfast. Wake up early if you have to, just eat. Eat. Eat early, that way you poop before taking off. Just keeping it real here, people. Everybody poops. You don't want it to hit you while you stand in line, especially if you're solo-ing it and don't know your line-mates yet. I met someone who planned on getting constipated so they wouldn't have to go poop while at the con, and they said their stomach was hurting a lot most of the day. Plus, it doesn't feel good. Bowel movements are your friends!

4) Take cash. Though many places do accept cards, some places still only take cash and you'll save yourself ATM fees if you just take cash. 

oh god I loved this cosplayer so much, didn't even get their name. 
5) Be nice to your line-mates. You never know if you'll need to step out of line for whatever reason and you need to inform them. You'd want them to gladly and without complaints let you back in. Being nice also means not saving a spot in a line for a coveted panel for like 7 of your buddies. That's just not cool.

6) Respect creators! I can't believe how often I see/hear people bashing on someone's art, or demanding that someone sign something for them. This is their time too, they don't owe you anything. If you don't like their work, move along. This includes cosplayers. Keep your hands to yourself! Cosplay is not an invitation to touch a prop, much less a person. I was so mad when a guy smacked my horns when I did my Aradia Megido cosplay (below). Uughghghgh.... I hate that guy. Don't know him. Still don't like him. If you want to touch a prop, ask. If they say no, accept it. 

ugh I look so ugh...

7) Plan ahead, but have multiple backups. If you really want to see a panel, do your research in terms of finding out not just the time and place, but how popular the event will be. At SDCC some of the larger and more popular rooms are Hall H, Ballroom 20, and the Indigo room at the Hilton Bayfront. You want to know how popular the panel will be so you can plan accordingly. For Hall H, people camp out the night before for the morning panels, as with Ballroom 20. I also recommend having another plan just in case you don't get in. Maybe there's a different panel you want to check out.

8) I so, so, so recommend checking out panels even if you don't know 100% what they are about. I've discovered many awesome things by wandering into rooms that are less than half full. It pays off to try something new!

9) Take a breather every now and then. There aren't any designated quiet rooms at SDCC (yet) but I've often used the Anime Rooms to get a little peace and quiet and de-stress. I've also used the outside of the convention center... meaning the stairs overlooking the harbor just outside of the autograph area. Oftentimes, you can find a place to relax out there. If at a different con, find out if there are designated quiet rooms before you go, and where, that way you are prepared with the knowledge!

10) Check out the events and after parties going on outside of the con. Many people and groups plan fun things around these days, like Wednesday night's Game of Bloggers, or Thursday night's Wayward Cocktails. Check out what's happening as the dates approach.

That's it for now. Have a fun con!!
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