Fandom Friday: Currently Reading

July 6, 2018

This week's Fandom Friday is on five of the books I'm currently reading! I don't know if you encounter this dilemma, but I have shelves of books that I need to read! This is the curse of the bookworm, I guess. I present to you five books that I am currently reading, most of which, for one reason or another, I just haven't finished. Sometimes I put off the ending of a good book, because... well, I just don't like endings, you know? 

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The challenge was in trying to describe these books in 1-2 sentences! Before you read further, I must warn you: I am not a romantic writer-type! That is, I am not good with words. I am not doing these books justice in my descriptions below. I hope that does not deter you from looking into them if you are thinking about it!

Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami
This is the story of a young man who has experienced loss and depression, and is taking a journey into his past in order to heal. There is something special about this book. I have had such different experiences reading it so far, and I am not even halfway through. At times while reading, I have felt pretty depressed. Other times, desperate. I think as the reader I am supposed to feel these things if I am engrossed in the story. Maybe this is one reason I haven't finished reading it yet.

The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic by Emily Croy Barker
A graduate student is enchanted and coerced into a completely different world; one of magic, good, and evil. As a woman who went through grad school, I appreciate this book so much, mainly for its unpredictability and its realness (which is ironic). Though it is a world of magic, life and daily functioning are not as easy as one would think. I love seeing the heroine's journey through navigating a world she knows nothing about, not even the language.

Therapy Quest by Janina Scarlet
It had been years since I read a choose-your-own-adventure type book. I didn't know I missed them so much and I forgot how much I enjoyed them. This book is a little different from the others in this list because it is a self-help book. As a choose-your-own-adventure, the story can go different for you than it is going for me. Still, it is a personal journey of one's own choices. The reader will learn valuable information on psychological concepts, and also a bit about themselves in the process.

All The Missing Girls by Megan Miranda
This is a murder mystery! This book is written a bit differently too. It pulls you into that fog where nothing makes sense and everybody is a suspect, but you still love to try to figure it out. The way it was written, presenting later facts first, may not make much sense in the beginning, but it is part of the charm!

Another by Yukito Ayatsuji
This is a very suspenseful story. I began reading it because I watched the anime based on it and I fell in love with it. I love mystery and suspense, and the anime had me hooked from the very beginning. It is the story of a student who has transferred to a new school where people keep dying. Very final-destination-like. It is very exciting!

What about you? What are you currently reading? ♥

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2 comments on "Fandom Friday: Currently Reading"
  1. I found at a garage sale a huge stack of Defenders comics from the 70's or 80's so I have been reading those.

  2. Yep, I've got plenty of unread books too. I just finished two books from phillippa gregory's war of the roses series that I've had for at least a year, and am now almost completely done with the host by stephanie myer that I got on sale years ag. Even though I dislike twilight, I was really excited for this and it is fantastic . The love plot is a bit eh, but everything else is great, ive even cried multiple times.
